Natural Building Group talk on Findhorn

Lincoln Village Life

-Linda, Dan, Majella

Last Friday evening’s talk by our Project Director, John Talbott (known as JT as owing to a surfeit of John’s in our community), was warmly welcomed by over 30 members and friends.

JT, a registered Professional Engineer, has dedicated much of his life to developing viable practical solutions for sustainable living. He was destined to be part of Narara Ecovillage when our founder Lyndall Parris became aware of his experience and his pedigree!

We sat back in our café style forum, nibbles and drink in hand, and enjoyed the illustrated story about JT’s unique experience as a mover and a shaker and project director of the Findhorn Ecovillage Project in Northern Scotland. During his 25 years involvement, over 100 ecological houses were built as well as important infrastructure such as wind farms and waste services.

It was exciting seeing how, even with limited resources, communal buildings were built and so much progress was made collectively.

While we are in different hemispheres, lessons learnt relate to our ecovillage and we could see similarities and possibilities. Asked who would be willing to work in teams to assist our neighbours with housebuilding, the positive response was unanimous. It is especially important with many new owner builders needing a supportive environment.

JT encouraged us to create our own story and build not only community spirit, but work out a way to help our neighbours in the next big step to enable us to finally realise the dream and live as a community together.

The Natural Building group plans to organise similar events as a useful forum for our big issues in a warm and congenial atmosphere.