Bushfire Mitigation at the Village

Lincoln Project, Village Life

At the last Land Team meeting, Tony Hester appraised the group about the threat of Bushfire to our village.

Tony said: ‘Of all the risks, bushfire remains the number 1 threat to this property.’ He added: ‘Under the section 88b instrument, the Co-op and all private land owners have an ongoing obligation to maintain the whole of stage 1 as an inner protection area (IPA) in perpetuity.’ That means clearing the ground fuel now and continuing to maintain it.

On settlement, lot owners will have an obligation to maintain their own land consistent with the requirements of IPA’s. All landscape plans will be assessed by Council to ensure that plantings are within IPA guidelines.

Tony said that many barriers have been established to help defend against bushfire threats. We have several access tracks that act as fire breaks, i.e. the track to the header tanks, the fire trail behind the machinery shed and the wide power line easement which cuts across the back of our property. Keeping these maintained will assist greatly to prevent a fire from reaching the edge of stage 1 and threatening the village.

Tony continued: ‘The clearing of the Heritage and the Middle gullies by the Wednesday bush regeneration working group, has provided us with additional excellent firebreaks. It’s part of our obligation under the Vegetation Management Plan. The Hoop Pine Gully, near Farm Square, needs a lot of work, as it has been neglected for at least 12 years. It’s heavily overgrown and needs our attention. The bush regeneration group will start on this gully after the Heritage gully is completed.’

In the event of a bushfire threat at the village, Tony advises that our first action is to call emergency 000 for the Rural Fire Service (building fires call emergency who will connect with NSW Fire Brigade). Second action is to attempt to keep the fire under control until the RFS arrive who will take over operational control and we are to assist as directed.

Tony, our Chief Emergency Warden said: ‘Check where the emergency assembly point is, what the evacuation procedures are and remember to follow procedures suggested’.

Tony believes that with all the village’s prevention strategies, we are in a good position to stay safe. Years of fighting fires with the Rural Fire Service gives Tony confidence that we are doing everything we can to mitigate fire hazards on our land.

Chief Fire Warden Tony

Tony, our Chief Emergency Warden