After school at the Ecovillage

admin Community

-by Megan Wallace

My son rushed in the door, so animated after sharing a ride home from school with our neighbours. 

After a quick chat and snack he hears our home schooling buddies riding by and rushes out to play. I take the opportunity to walk over to our common area and am delighted to progress our idea of a forum for our children with some villagers there so the kids can lead the way for their new playground. 

After a while I head back to spy my boy in the garden munching on snow peas with his friends. Soon, “Mum, Mum’ … he is like Peter Rabbit in Mr McGregor’s garden – he’s pulled about 20 young carrots from Dad’s wicking beds and is over the moon with his treasure. 

I’m fortunate an elder is dropping off egg cartons for our village chooks and kindly explains how some carrots might have wanted to grow big and strong like him and the joy of eating them fresh each day. 

My son listens and learns but he is too excited for a lesson to dampen his spirits. He says, “Let’s give them to Candy (the member who runs our café) and our friends”. I am thrilled he is developing such generosity. He leaves a bunch for mum, grabs a bag and rides off to distribute his good fortune. 

Later I get a message on our parent channel. “R playing lego here”. So grateful I get to finish making dinner easily. Soon, “R leaving for home now” beeps my phone and not long after a happy boy runs in – “Mum, Margo gave us some sweet potatoes”. I give him a hug and think how lucky we are to live here.