Deb and Dan were looking for a place where their kids could roam free, and they could have meaningful connections with their neighbours. They had visited other ecovillages before choosing Narara, and were wanting to know they would have like-minded neighbours.
Deb says:
“We had heard stories of inter-connectedness, but hadn’t really felt it. What we didn’t really expect was the extent to which the community would impact, influence, and also support us. We just thought it would be nice to be able to talk to our neighbours and have something in common. And here we are actually feeling like we’re very much bonded with our community and we’ve got an extended family unit around us.”
Both Deb and Dan are at the centre of village activities, with Deb employed to manage the accounts while Dan manages tour bookings and helps with Open Days.
The practical support of such a collaborative network is essential for day to day family needs, Deb explains,
“Without the community support, there’s no way Dan and I on our own would be able to get our children to the school that we think is best for them, which is the Montessori over the hill, because of its distance. So it’s delivered much more than we ever anticipated from a community perspective.”
One of the projects that Deb and Dan have fostered is the food coop buying group, where bulk buying helps to reduce food prices for everyone, while making shopping a connected and friendly experience.
Deb appreciates the convenience and quality, plus getting market prices with less packaging.
Dan says, “I love the honesty checkout with reusable containers, and most of all Freddy’s hot sauce.”
For Deb and Dan and their two children, the village offers fun times and the opportunity to live more lightly on the earth.