There are usually a handful of completed homes available for rent or sale, since families grow, people age or downsize, and unexpected changes do happen. You can see some of these opportunities by clicking the link at the bottom.
For those wishing to build, we have nearly completed sales of the 550m2 lots on stage 2, and expect to have a small number of 450m2 lots available in 2025. These will be snapped up quickly and we will be announcing prices and then taking deposits shortly.
In addition, we expect to have up to 15 multi-dwelling housing units constructed and available by 2026, and once finalised and announced, these will also be able to be reserved.
In the meantime, you can take steps to join the Co-op, a prerequisite to living at Narara Ecovillage, and be in the best position to secure one of the few remaining lots, as well as getting to know your neighbours and the wider village community.
You will not only be buying or building a home, but also becoming part of an exciting, caring and dynamic community, and we welcome you to visit and participate regularly – we even have a weekly online Zoom catch-up through CL@N.
Please contact us: [email protected]