Health professionals note the benefit of social cohesion

Jonathan Keren-Black People

Lynda and Meng (and Ruby) have been residents for a few years enjoying their hempcrete home that was built as part of the Stage 1 Ecovillage development. Lynda became a member a decade ago and Meng later joined her at the Village.

Lynda and Meng with Gillian and Ruby
‘We both decided this was the place we wanted to live. I have a passion for permaculture and growing healthy food’ says Lynda. ‘I have been a nurse for nearly 50 years and have worked in a few different areas of health.’

Meng’s background included microbiology, teaching, mental health, quality management, compliance and WHS. Both are retired and value the fresh air, organic gardening and social cohesion.
It was a good decision for me, says Meng, to move up to NSW to be with Lynda and be part of this landmark demonstration development.
Meng and Lynda have several children and grandchildren between them and enjoy having them visit. They enjoy walking because it is good for health and fitness.  A recent addition is Ruby, an Australian Cobberdog. Ruby also enjoys these walks and charms her way around the village!

We have both retired. Living in a beautiful valley is a plus for us. Yes, there are occasional challenges as there are in any neighbourhood but the pros far outweigh the cons. We are close to all major services and attractions and life is full and rewarding”.