March 2022 Ecovillage Experience Weekend - getting dirty in the triple span

Narara Ecovillage Experience Weekend

21 Apr – 23 Apr 2023

Enjoy a unique residential immersive experience of resilient living at Narara Ecovillage.

Fri 21st April – Sun 23rd April

Narara Ecovillage 33 Gugandi Rd, Narara NSW 2250

Stay in the village from Friday to Sunday.

For two days, live, eat, work, play and learn alongside Ecovillage members while you really get the vibe of this open, welcoming community.

Enjoy a full program of activities for adults and kids, including talks, workshops, socialising & getting your hands dirty.

Discover & learn about foraging, sustainable houses, food production, conservation, crafts and ceramics for kids skills, handicrafts, cheese and bread making the evolution of the village and more.

Your fee includes meals & accommodation, as well as all scheduled activities & opportunities to participate. Some practical workshops will involve a small fee for materials/ingredients.

Accommodation options include Bed & Breakfast or camping.

To accommodate everyone and keep prices down, singles may be required to share a twin room. If so, we will match you with a person of the same gender.

Sorry no pets allowed.

Early bird prices available until 28 February 2023

Adults learning
Forest Walk
Community pizza oven in action

Early bird prices available until 28 February 2023
Candy’s Earthship
Kids nature play
Bellbird House B&B
Day/Time Activity Location
Friday 21 April
3-5pm Registration & train station pick ups
4pm-5.30pm Sustainable Homes Tour – Experience the inside of several village homes. Meet and talk to owners of the Earthship, hobbit house or passive energy efficient solar powered home. Visit a sustainable home built with thermally efficient hemp or other natural materials. While there are no design restrictions, many village members design and build their home using recycled and locally sourced materials. The aim is to build a home with a significantly reduced impact on the environment compared to the “average” Australian house. Meet at the Village Hall

Tours will also be held on Sat / Sun afternoon

Leader: Geoff Cameron
5-6.30pm Check in to bnb, campground
6.30-7.30pm Dinner with Candy & team
7.30-8pm Announcements with Annie & Lynita
Saturday 22 April
7-8pm Forest Walk – A village member will escort guests on a refreshing forest walk for 1-hour in nearby Strickland Forest. The terrain is relatively flat but may involve walking up a gentle slope, crossing a river via a rope bridge or stepping stones. The walk will be cancelled if it is raining or the ground is muddy. Guests are encouraged to bring boots to protect against leeches and muddy paths, and a warm jacket/hat if the weather is cool. Meet at Village Hall
7-8pm Morning Yoga – Gentle yoga combining techniques for waking up and activating the mind, body and spirit. Suitable for beginners or intermediate students. Mark’s class is engaging and will leave you feeling alive and ready for whatever is next. BYO yoga mat or towel. Extra mats will be available. Village Hall

Leader: Mark O’Brien
8-9pm Breakfast with hosts
9.30-12pm Deep Ecology – Deep ecology is a philosophy of nature which proposes that the ongoing environmental crisis is due in part to psychological disease arising from the separation between humans and the natural world. The late Arne Naess, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy from Oslo University, Norway coined the term “deep ecology” and noted that our “ecological ideas are not enough to protect the Earth, we need ecological identity, ecological self”. Using music and poetry, John Seed will show you and other group members how to nourish your ecological identity and align yourself with the Earth. Forest venue

Lower Grafting Shed if wet weather

Presenter: John Seed
9.30-11.30 Loose parts (pop-up) play session with Dan, Emma & Lorinda
12.30-2pm Soup lunch with Hanna & team
2.30-4.30pm Community Garden Working Bee with Suzie
2.30-4.30pm kids activity
3.30-4pm afternoon tea
4-5.30pm Sustainable Homes Walking Tour with Geoff
4-5.30pm Forest Bathing with Carly
6.15-7.30pm Dinner
7.45-9pm Campfire music session meet the members
Sunday 23 April
7-8am Qi-Gong with Meng or Forest Walk
8-9am Breakfast with hosts
9.30-12pm Cheesemaking with Candy
9.30-12pm Breadmaking with Karl
9.30-12pm Foraging field & forest with Benjamin, Donna & Trish
9.30-12pm Mushroom growing at home with Lincoln
9.30-12pm Children’s activity / Ceramic class with Aiyana
12.30-2pm Lunch
2-2.30pm Closing Circle
2.30-4pm Sustainable Homes Walking Tour with Geoff
Meals included

Fri and Sat dinner

Sat and Sun lunch

Sat and Sun breakfast for bnb guests.

Campers need to BYO breakfast (or buy at Coffee Cart available Saturday only).


Geoff Cameron is the head of NEV Water and one of the designers of village technology and infrastructure since the early days of the Ecovillage. He built his own 8.8 star passive solar hempcrete home as owner-builder. His passion is doing outreach and presentations to the public. His raison d’etre is not just living sustainably ourselves, but making a difference by demonstrating to others how this can be done. He loves cooking, gardening, sustainable building and educating others about these processes. He regularly leads village tours on Open Day. He has been involved for some years in the group Beyond Zero Emissions and has given numerous presentations to schools and other groups about our potential energy futures.

We are speaking with potential sponsors to help make this event possible.

We look forward to welcoming you to the village!

Enquiries: [email protected]

Please include the reference EEW in your subject line