Many hands make light work.

Lincoln Uncategorized

At the village we have at least 2 working bee’s a month. With so much land to maintain, council requirements for use and to get ready for building there’s always something to do. The major working bee’s normally tackle the hard work. The type of work is determined by our Site Management team and could involve: Chainsaw work from any of members that …

The Project – Oct 2015

Lincoln Project

The Project – October 2015 Organisation – the People We have a Project Director; a Construction Project Manager for Stage 1 infrastructure and the Bower Cluster; a Community Architect who liaised with the firm Hill Thalis to produce our Masterplan and about 20 other consultants. We have a Project Team, a Community Development Team, a Land Team, Buildings & Infrastructure Team …

Our trial Sunday open day.

Lincoln Uncategorized

We trialled a different format today and for those that came along we’d love to hear your feedback. What did we do differently? Well for one we held the Narara Eco Village open day on a Sunday instead of the usual Saturday. We brought the start time forward to 11am and ran the project presentation first. I think this last …

October open day on Sunday 25th.

Lincoln Uncategorized

Some folk have told us that Saturday’s can be tough to get to our open day! So this October we’ll hold the open day on Sunday. Sunday 25 October Open Day tours and our Network Talk of the Month 10.30 a.m. Registration, tea and sandwiches. 11 a.m. Presentation on Narara Ecovillage Project, followed by questions. 12 p.m. Site tours. 1 …

Project updates are on their way.

Lincoln Project

We’ve heard feedback from many folk that we need to get more information on this site. Particularly in relation to the project status but also things we are seeing with other Ecovillages around the world! As we start to pull together the content we’d love to hear what you’d like to see. Comment below and see what we can do! …