NEV Utilities

NEV Water

NEV Water provides all potable water and sewer services to the Narara Ecovillage community.

Potable water is supplied through a connection to Central Coast Council.

Non potable water is separately supplied to all residences for use in toilet flushing and garden irrigation.

Recently NEV Water has reached an agreement with Central Coast Council to allow for the discharge of waste water into their sewer system.

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NEV Power

NEV Power operates a smart grid system that utilises first-in Australia technology to reduce infrastructure costs, balance and optimise the use of solar PV and battery storage, and produce a net carbon neutral village. The long term vision for NEV will see the village incorporate over 120 lots developed in 3 stages.

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Noticed a defect?

If you see anything which looks incorrect or unsafe we encourage you to lodge a defect notice at the following link.

Lodge a defect notice

Builders & Contractors working with NEV

We have put together a document outlining how our water and power utilities work and what our builders need to know to work successfully with them.

Builders and Contractors guidelines – 20240627

NEV Water & Power – Making a complaint

If you feel that NEV Water or Power has not adequately responded to your question or concern or you are unhappy with our response we ask you to register a more formal complaint. NEV Water or Power will escalate your issue and undertake a process of review. We will provide you with a written response to your complaint as well as obviously doing our best to satisfactorily resolve the issue for you. NEV Water & Power have a formal complaint handling a disputes policy. A copy of this policy can be accessed from the following link.   NEV058 Code of Conduct – Customer Complaints V1.1 

If you are unhappy with the resolution to your complaint you have the opportunity of raising this with the Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON). You can call them on 1800 246545 or find more information on their website.   EWON – Making a complaint